An Evening With Jen and a Lesson in Boudoir Photography

Dawn and I are always furthering our education, especially in our photography.  One of the photography educators that we follow is Jen Rozenbaum.  We have been following Jen since we first saw her on-line class on CreativeLive, and have been following her ever since.  Jen has a line of lighting equipment from Wescott and is also a Nikon Ambassador, and she represents their brands very well. Jen is also a fellow cancer survivor so she has a double special place in my heart.

picture of Jen Rozenbaum and her sign with her tag line on it
Jen Rozenbaum in all her beauty


As an educator Jen hosts photography classes across the country and Dawn saw that she would be close to us in Indianapolis at Roberts Camera, our very favorite camera store.  We have purchased most of our equipment from them and they have always given us the best deals as well as the best service.  It is nice to be able to do business with people we like.

Photograph of the front of the Roberts Camera store
The storefront for Roberts Camera in Indianapolis Indiana


As soon as Dawn saw the class announced, she signed us up for it, although the next day she had to cancel her spot because our neese and her husband were having a dinner party the night of the class to announce the gender of their baby and we decided that Dawn would go to the gender reveal and represent our family and I would go to the class.

The night before the class, Jen did a lecture on Lighting.  I almost didn’t make it to the event even though I was an hour early because Google Maps put me at the wrong location. Luckily after walking around a little I discovered that the correct location was just next door to where I was, so crisis averted.

picture of Jen Rozenbaum working on her laptop
The night before the boudoir class Jen gave a lecture on lighting


Image of Jen Rozenbaum using an Ice Light
Jen Rozenbaum with an Ice Light


picture of Jen Rozenbaum working iwth LED lights
Jen showing off the Westcott two light kit named after her:  Solix 2-Light Kit by Jen Rozenbaum


Prior to the lighting lecture I had driven down early to have lunch with my nephew that lived close to Indianapolis. We had a good lunch at a good restaurant called Firebirds Wood Fired Grill.  I will surely be dinning there again when I have the chance.

image of a sculpture
I just love this wall sculpture at the Firebirds Wood Fired Grill


The actual boudoir class was held in the upstairs classroom at Roberts Camera.  I arrived there early, as I always try to do since I like sitting in the front row which Dawn always teases me about. I was a little worried as the other students started coming in as it was just female after female and it was looking like I was going to be the only male student, not a big deal, but it would have been nice to have had some other male there.  Luckily another gentleman did show up and he actually sat right behind me, so I wasn’t completely out numbered, he actually had won a spot in the class at the lighting lecture the night before.

It was a good class and I did learn a lot as well as reinforcing a great deal of what I already did know.  We had two lovely young ladies who modeled for us, and they did a great job putting up with us.  Jen gave them one piece of instructions before we started photographing them on our own, she told them not to do any posing on their own, that they had to only do what the photographer told them to do.  A good thing because it challenged us and took that crutch away from us.

Image of Jen Rozenbaum with her boudoir model
Jen Rozenbaum doing a little hair adjustment with the model during the boudoir class


picture of students a Jen Rozenbaum's boudoir class
The students at Jen Rozenbaum’s boudoir class at the Roberts Camera store


Picture of Jen Rozenbaum showing an image to the model
Jen Rozenbaum takes a moment to show the boudoir model a image of her that she just captured


picture of Michael Mitchell and Jen Rozenbaum
Before the class started, Jen Rozenbaum was gracious enough to pose for a picture with me.  You can’t tell from this image but she is on her tippy toes!



Below are two of my favorite images from the class.

image of a boudoir model
One of the images I captured at the boudoir class


image of a boudoir model
One of the images I captured at the boudoir class

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